Who wants to get fired?
Anastasia R. Im getting so mad right now I hate my boss Jay I hope he dies better yet I feel like killin him if you in a bad mood don't take it out on everyone at the job like wtf its way to hot to take your shit-_- #Piss off about 5 days ago, no people like this, posted from Mobile
Itumeleleng S. I hate my boss so mch, his so arrogant bloody ass about 6 days ago, no people like this, posted from Mobile
Niru S. I hätë my böss! about 6 days ago, 3 people like this, posted from web
Grant T. I hate my Boss he is such a twat. Tyson Brind grrrrrrr about a week ago, 3 people like this, posted from web
Ruby W. hate my boss ,maybe to the fact he is a man and has not got a glue whot things are like for me ,i wanted my last op to work sorry it never but the next one is not going to be a walk in the bloody park,on pain killers now till i see the big man ,but they make me feel like ive been on the beer ,not nice at all and they make me feel sick want it all gone to feel like a normal women ,x about 2 weeks ago, 3 people like this, posted from web
Nonhlanhla M. Ok .... Guess wht I hate my boss! about 2 weeks ago, no people like this, posted from BlackBerry Smartphones App
Kevin M. Hate my life hate my boss just like to feel punch someone i lam not coping with the loss of my dad he was brilant dad about 2 weeks ago, no people like this, posted from Facebook for every phone
Who's hungover?
Richard R. Man I still feel hungover from the weekend about 2 hours ago, 1 people like this, posted from web
Embarrassing B. Less than 40 minutes to go until the start of the show. This week's poll is asking: How often have you gone to work hungover? Let us know your answer here - http://poll.fm/3rwpe about 2 hours ago, 10 people like this, posted from HootSuite
Vicki M. Well finally out of bed after spending all of yesterday in it hungover!! So a day round the pool today followed by another night on the piss tonight x about 3 hours ago, 11 people like this, posted from Facebook for iPhone
Molly N. Thank you for all the birthday messages so far! However, after clubbing till past 4am this morning, and not getting home till 6am, I am far too hungover to respond to individual posts right now. I can assure you all that I celebrated in the only way I know how, with multiple cocktails, a transvestite called Crystal, and a stripper pole (it's not as filthy as it sounds). I have no idea how I'm going to top that for my 21st, but I'll damn well try. about 3 hours ago, 14 people like this, posted from web
Ian Kevin D. Is this taking sharing too far? about 3 hours ago, no people like this, posted from Photos
Elliot S. you know your job is good when you turn up 2 hours late hungover and unchanged and all your boss says is have a good night? about 3 hours ago, 2 people like this, posted from web
Tadd H. Never been so hungover. :( about 4 hours ago, 1 people like this, posted from Facebook for Android
Sara Elizabeth H. Gonna be busy for the next couple of weeks. First, a trip to Wichita to stay with Aprilly Poo (since last trip was cancelled thanks to my ER visit) for a few days, and then bringing Scooter down for his summer visit. Getting the house ready this week -- washing bedding and cleaning -- and TRYING to coordinate some plans, but we'll see how that goes. I know there will be one night of drinking in Norman, so anyone who wants to go, let us know. We'll probably do it Friday, the 6th ... maybe. Not sure if we should be hungover for Mom's birthday on the 7th, but we'll see how the plans play out ;-) about 4 hours ago, 5 people like this, posted from web
Sylvia M. bit concernd lol,this girl fiona comes round has a drink at mines,leaves and hasnt came back for her car,has she forgot how 2 get here? is she alive?dont have her numbr,dont have her on fb,mmmmm,this is now tue,surely she cant still b hungover,this is strange about 4 hours ago, 2 people like this, posted from web
Kelvin G. Who's hungover? Who's high? Who hates their boss? Find out here... about 5 hours ago, 1 people like this, posted from web
Franki O. I am now official a Music Journalist. Perhaps this is why I'm so hungover. Give me drugs! about 5 hours ago, 8 people like this, posted from web
Chris Q. (8)"I used to be love drunk but now I'm hungover, I'll love you forever, forever is over, We used to kiss all night now its just a bar fight, So don't call me crazy, say hello then goodbye"(8) I love my work but when it gets songs stuck in your head you can really grow to dislike it. Haha. about 5 hours ago, 3 people like this, posted from web
Elaine S. Looking forward to catching up with my biggest neice this weekend if I am not too hungover!!! Xxx about 5 hours ago, 2 people like this, posted from Facebook for iPhone
Ciára M. Never been so hungover before! Magaluf has broken me, but it was the best week of my life! about 6 hours ago, 11 people like this, posted from Mobile
Mick M. I have a 7 am conf call (that I make from home) and a peer was complaining about 7 am meetings… I suggested it could be worse, that it COULD be a "7 am meeting, on deck, in uniform (hungover) while a fat guy in Khakis was berating you about your haircut" … I thought Dave R (also a navy vet) was going to piss himself he was laughing so hard. It's all about your perspective. about 7 hours ago, 9 people like this, posted from web
Rozz G. oh dear. today is all kinds of hungover. take away and lots of wimbledon today i reckon. :D about 7 hours ago, 1 people like this, posted from web
Aaron R. tanx every1 so hungover rite now lol about 7 hours ago, 1 people like this, posted from web
Amanda Louise S. never been so hungover in my life. about 7 hours ago, 2 people like this, posted from web
Rob N. I look and feel like a hungover homeless man (with a bit less facial hair) about 7 hours ago, 3 people like this, posted from web
Jonathan W. Fucked with hay fever and hungover in work. Only thing that can cure John Watt is a John Watt choon. Fake Blood - I think I like it. about 8 hours ago, 3 people like this, posted from Facebook for iPhone
Simon M. I hate the way my boss is always hungover from the various drugs he buys using his new mobile phone! about 8 hours ago, no people like this, posted from web
Brent M. Paris Day 2 Hungover as Fuck about 8 hours ago, 12 people like this, posted from web
Joni R. hungover...I don't think I'll ever be able to drink JD ever again. about 8 hours ago, 4 people like this, posted from web
Natasha A. Soooo ready to come home, Tired, hungover, swollen feet, spendin all. Night in hospital, a few fights with some lassies and ate cardboard pizza and greasy chips!!!! ALL YOLO'D OUT!! about 8 hours ago, 5 people like this, posted from BlackBerry Smartphones App
Anthony A. Banter with Dean Fabian Milwain in the studio has just turned into hungover/still drunk narrow minded slurrs and half formed words. about 8 hours ago, 5 people like this, posted from web
Becka Luvinxyoux W. ugggghhhh still hungover not good about 9 hours ago, no people like this, posted from web
Matt B. Carrying a bucket round in my car cause im so hungover about 9 hours ago, 17 people like this, posted from Facebook for Android
Neil C. nearly drowned in lager yesterday. HUNGOVER about 9 hours ago, 2 people like this, posted from web
Marc T. Why when I'm hungover does me legs feel it the most about 10 hours ago, 1 people like this, posted from Mobile
Bradley S. Is feeling so hungover. Just went down to my local for a quick one last night, but bumped into a couple acquaintances and ended up leaving after midnight. about 10 hours ago, 4 people like this, posted from Facebook for Android
David K. Off to Ibiza, see you in a week hungover and sun burned about 10 hours ago, 8 people like this, posted from web
Bronte J. stil feel hungover since sat :-(( about 11 hours ago, 3 people like this, posted from Facebook for Android
Leah F. Byeeee Ireland! See you all in a week, severely hungover and burnt! <3 about 11 hours ago, 15 people like this, posted from web
Leah K. Well there back. It's like living in a mad house again. Good job am not hungover today xxx about 11 hours ago, 4 people like this, posted from Facebook for iPhone
Amwell H. Just made myself throw up, had a bowl of super noodles, 2 oranges, and a litre of tropical juice. Am I not hungover yet? about 11 hours ago, 4 people like this, posted from web
Mitchell T. had the best driving lesson-did nearly everything right even though i have i'm slightly hungover. Therefore anyone up for pub same time next week :D about 11 hours ago, 4 people like this, posted from web
Emma C. Hungover! I ent been that drunk in ages! Omg I remember why i stopped drinking. Coz of this feeling right now :( about 11 hours ago, no people like this, posted from Facebook for iPhone
Christie H. Hungover=feeling like shit all day!! about 12 hours ago, no people like this, posted from Mobile
Nick P. Hungover about 12 hours ago, 4 people like this, posted from Facebook for every phone
Daniel B. Hate your boss, hungover, taking drugs? You probably shouldn't make that public... http://bit.ly/MWchv5 about 12 hours ago, no people like this, posted from web
Jasmine F. Dont think i have ever been this hungover in my life. stroll in to work 30mins late wearing the same clothes i went out in...PINK jeans. probably still drunk, and ive got people coming in for interviews all day for replacements for my job....im setting a great example!! about 12 hours ago, 18 people like this, posted from web
Tom J. A little bit hungover :L about 13 hours ago, 4 people like this, posted from Mobile
Saaz C. Oh waiting for the job centre to open, on a Tuesday morning, as school kids walk by, while slightly hungover - hell feeling like a scum bag.. about 13 hours ago, 2 people like this, posted from Facebook for Android
Neil M. 24 hours I've been awake, 24 hours hungover!!! 12 of those at work 4 driving, the rest is a blur. Breakfast then bed, you know what I can't f**king wait. about 14 hours ago, 8 people like this, posted from Facebook for iPhone
Scott G. morning campers shudnt b in work wen ur hungover nackered just need ur bed but that's life about 14 hours ago, no people like this, posted from BlackBerry Smartphones App
Nikki C. Is really hungover and has work not a good combanation :( Xxx about 14 hours ago, 1 people like this, posted from web
Steph J. Hungover ! about 14 hours ago, 1 people like this, posted from Facebook for iPhone
Murray H. Not Hungover AT ALL, I love these mornings! yesterday, no people like this, posted from web
Megan Alexandra S. I will inevitably be amazingly hungover or still drunk for my dissertation meeting bright and early tomorrow morning...JUST SPLENDID! yesterday, 9 people like this, posted from BlackBerry Smartphones App
Matt T. AWESOME gig with Stone Mirage tonight at Le Kelseys. I will be muchos hungover tomorrow for band practice with Gunmen of the Apocalypse and Subject To Change bleughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yesterday, 5 people like this, posted from web
Jon S. i think tomorrow ima pack most my stuff for scotland so im sorted cos otherwise be too hungover to friday='] yesterday, 1 people like this, posted from web
Leah C. Head feels its has a freight train running through it, mouth like a I got a gob full of cotton wool... Me thinks I am hungover. yesterday, no people like this, posted from Facebook for iPhone
Mikey T. When u set 3 alarms for work in the mornin u no ur gettin ur hungover ass up yesterday, 1 people like this, posted from Facebook for Android
David W. thanks everyone! I'm properly hungover right now :) yesterday, 2 people like this, posted from web
Matt T. Still hungover from Saturday? Fermented apples hold the cure.. yesterday, no people like this, posted from Facebook for iPad
Nigel B. busy day today, got to bed at 1 am (drunk) woke up at 7am (hungover) helped kerry-ann and hugo move to thier new place (suffering) lol, got home started painting the room im gonna be moving into, just put brushes and rollers down and now its bed time :) what a day :) nite nite x yesterday, 4 people like this, posted from web
Sérgio B. No kiki 2nite, still hungover tho :P yesterday, no people like this, posted from web
Beatrice T. still hungover, face is bruised and grazed, and worst of all...the chickens stay up later than me! fuck this, would like to be put in a coma now for a couple of days... yesterday, no people like this, posted from web
Delanie C. swore i wasnt drinking tonight untill we got to the shop and found a 1.5l bottle of wine for 3euros, you cant say no to that ! roll on another hungover day on the bus at 8am tomorrow. yesterday, 5 people like this, posted from web
Abi Chloe Y. After partying hard, all nighters getting smashed, 3years of being social sec, Playing football every weds hungover or just to get sloshed hours later. The all night linc sessions, the stress and all my real hard work. I have gone and achieved my goal. 1st classification f**kin over the moooon best day ever :) yesterday, 34 people like this, posted from web
Rhiannon P. someone should come over and eat and watch movies with my hungover ass since i don't think i'm capable of moving. yesterday, 6 people like this, posted from web
Conor M. Back home after long weekend in Cork, Great time but God I'm still hungover!!!!! Guess I'm not as young as I think i am.Cheers Pat for looking after us. yesterday, no people like this, posted from Facebook for Android
Jacqui Sala M. why dose my puppy decide to roll in shite when am hungover..am sure she means it lol x yesterday, 13 people like this, posted from web
Warren B. cheers for all the borthday wishes, but fck me there was nothin happy abt it, was a tad hungover.. yesterday, 8 people like this, posted from web
Evets M. drank ONE beer last night but feels hungover!??? WTF yesterday, 2 people like this, posted from web
Andrew P. Done and done. CPAT completed, 8:38 mins. Not bad for being hungover, sleep deprived, and with a 2 hour drive on top of that. Huge thanks to a great friend for making sure I got there in the first place! yesterday, 3 people like this, posted from web
Ryan F. oh god been hungover and having shit on me mind is not good at all yesterday, 2 people like this, posted from web
Pammy Jedicated C. actually fucking loves it how people think they can judge me when they actually know fuck all!! hey, hands up who blew all their money down the pub then wound up hungover feeling+LOOKING like crap the next day? or maybe u were rattlin round like a smack head for your next joint or line of coke. rinsin money on gamblin - scratchcards included! smoking yourself to death on 20 a day. obsessin ova football - thats a good one too. WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU AND WHAT EVEN IS YOUR LIFE!!?!? yesterday, 13 people like this, posted from web
Jake Noel S. going to go back to my flat and build a den in my hungover state like a rude boy! yesterday, 3 people like this, posted from web
Danny W. hungover is not the word :( cannot get the taste of yager out my mouth yesterday, no people like this, posted from web
Peter O. hungover on a monday! Bad times :( yesterday, 2 people like this, posted from Mobile
Kelly N. 6 hours till Gary comes home from the stag weekend in Germany, I'm takin bets on how hungover he will be........ yesterday, 6 people like this, posted from Facebook for Android
Morgan C. First dance class in a year and I'm hungover!! Why don't I think!! :-/ yesterday, 1 people like this, posted from Facebook for iPhone
Charlotte O. why am I still hungover? Sucks yesterday, 2 people like this, posted from BlackBerry Smartphones App
Sacha C. hungover...starving...and sick as a chip not a good combination!!! yesterday, no people like this, posted from Facebook for iPhone
Sam W. Watching man v food while hungover makes me want to be sick!!!! yesterday, 2 people like this, posted from Facebook for Android
Joe T. is hungover once again but had a great night yesterday, 2 people like this, posted from web
Gaby Anya M. hungover watching 'viva las vegas' ... elvis <3the beaut. yesterday, no people like this, posted from web
Matt S. Well the Isle Of Wight Festival is over for another year. Highlights had to be Feeder, Biffy Clyro, Pearl Jam, Ash, The Darkness. Black Stone Cherry and Pulled Apart by Horses who were definitely the best in my opinion. Don't think I'll be drinking for a while though... SO HUNGOVER ! yesterday, 3 people like this, posted from web
Emily D. it would be unfitting of my uni life to NOT be hungover at grad... yesterday, 5 people like this, posted from web
Kelly Louise H. yay dad is guna buy mother a car...... woooohoooo maccy d's runs wen im hungover :) yesterday, 1 people like this, posted from web
Gavin R. late wake up bit hungover day no hs yet but givs me a chane t dive bk t th roots. tuuuuuuune!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzTYSTMbvwY yesterday, 1 people like this, posted from web
Ben B. Not a good start to the day just left to walk down to ashton first thing i do is step in a heap of dog shit fucksake. HUNGOVER yesterday, 9 people like this, posted from Mobile
Liam Tin Tin D. u know am hungover when am eating a banna and yoghurt with a glass of orange juice yesterday, no people like this, posted from BlackBerry Smartphones App
Paddy W. Good times when your on the couch hungover and your bird brings you some soup in from the cake shop :D yesterday, 1 people like this, posted from web
Ciara Mc C. out the past 3 nites and still aint hungover!! cocktails tonite!! yesterday, 2 people like this, posted from web
Carly B. Watching Harry Potter boxset, hungover. yesterday, 6 people like this, posted from Facebook for iPhone
Jade C. think im still hungover ergh! yesterday, 6 people like this, posted from web
Lore D. over 1,200 photos to filter through ... oh god, too hungover right now to make any sense of it. yesterday, 1 people like this, posted from web
Chris 'on Dewg' L. hungover and beaten of the fuking italians worse monday ever! yesterday, 4 people like this, posted from web
Alice P. Fry-up for my hungover dad.. Such a caring daughter. yesterday, 9 people like this, posted from BlackBerry Smartphones App
Susan W. ...also very hungover and aching like crazy!!!!!! yesterday, 8 people like this, posted from web
Becca C. a know I greet about this ALL the time ... but a really, really, really hate a rough & hungover monday in work :( how can I never just go home to my bed at a decent time! today is dragging in sooo bad ... can't wait to finish & get home for a bath then bed <3 yesterday, 9 people like this, posted from web
Caralyn J. Omg, I'm still hungover. Pombears & energy drink for lunch yum yum. Never drunk that much before and could still stand. yesterday, 5 people like this, posted from Facebook for Android
Sharyn R. Despite the rain Race For Life was amazing yesterday,great feeling knowing you have done some good for a great cause.Feeling a bit tired and hungover the day though but still doing Zumba later and excercise class the morn(if I can still walk). yesterday, 6 people like this, posted from web
Alistair L. a tad hungover lool ....................... yesterday, 1 people like this, posted from web
Ross W. Hungover! :( yesterday, no people like this, posted from web
Who's taking drugs?
Rahim L. God is peace and love# God smoke cannabis!!! :o yesterday, no people like this, posted from Links
Kurun P. day is coming, herbal freeness for everyone. wreck this mess ! about 4 days ago, no people like this, posted from Links
JoJo JzLca Ozer H. Je Sm0ke Le CaNNabIs"'!!!!! Wanunupa Kotra Maxime Olendk Naks Onatr Knky Kanéka Max Jzl Onatr Arley Ldrn Yaay Ljg Otysud Ozer Atanei about 6 days ago, 10 people like this, posted from Share_bookmarklet
Waddah Z. My story with my ex love(cannabis): My first joint:2004 i see the world perfect 2004_2008:I smoked for pleasure in about once a week 2008:i'm addicted I became the worship of that plant 2009_2011:Promoter drug with my friend Jamel He is currently incarcerated :( now i'm in the country of zakataka we smoke every days not every days every hours not every hours every moment...We kill ourselves to ourselves 2012:For me tasted tired .Hatred has become a smoke.. Now i'm freeeeee.. fuck u my love (maria vitta) about a week ago, 2 people like this, posted from web
Who's got a new phone number?
Ellis M. Got new phone new number is 07x0xxx70xx about 39 minutes ago, no people like this, posted from Facebook for Android
Mike D. ok folks. New phone number is 07770xxx6xx about 2 hours ago, no people like this, posted from web
Sam W. Just an FYI I forgot to put out there, I've got a new Phone Number. For all those interested it's 0776x010x06. Text me and lemme know who you are so I can add you. about 10 hours ago, 1 people like this, posted from web
Kieran Bubblehead M. people send me ur numbers got new phone number is 077xxx0x14x about 10 hours ago, no people like this, posted from web
Ben S. thanks for bday messages, ma new phone number is 07xxx144464. yesterday, no people like this, posted from web
Jamie O. My New number lost my phone and all contacts 0771xx4xx74 !!! about 2 days ago, 1 people like this, posted from web
Leanne L. new Phone number 07xx6 40xx10 save and txt who u are cos ive lost all numbers cheers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx about 2 days ago, no people like this, posted from web
Charlie S. my new phone number :07xxx74x046 about 2 days ago, no people like this, posted from web
Dorian P. Another Phone UnRetrievable ... New Number is 07x04 4xx xx0 & New Pin x1Dx0E6x #PlatinumParties Huge Night Tonight.... Well Well Well.... xx Club.... S**t just got Real... Ha about 3 days ago, no people like this, posted from web
Stacey V. PLEASE READ THIS i have a new phone number if you like me keep it if you dont [ well just fuck off ] 0774x0xx0x6 about 3 days ago, 2 people like this, posted from web
Edward 'Ted' H. EVERYONE 074xx0764xx is my new number after having my phone stolen last night about 3 days ago, no people like this, posted from Mobile
Sami S. new phone new number 07747x1xxxx about 3 days ago, no people like this, posted from web
Marc L. Hi all I have a new phone number 07x076xx77x please txt me your full name about 3 days ago, 1 people like this, posted from Mobile
Tshepo B. guys to those who call me.I'm changing my phone numbers . my new number is 07x06x041x about 3 days ago, no people like this, posted from BlackBerry Smartphones App
Bodescu I. New phone number...07x74xxx77 , sa il stergeti pe ala vechi about 4 days ago, 1 people like this, posted from web
Michael B. i have new phone number 0744xxxxx7 about 4 days ago, no people like this, posted from web