Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Smile A Day

I've been thinking about a new project recently. Not for any particular reason but to pass along kindness and smiles but I don't have a ton of time to come up with a name ( the one I wanted is taken ) or do a website, though ultimately that is the goal. So, for now I am going to start here.

The idea is to take photos of people that do random acts of kindness or make me smile or make someone else smile. Basically I think positive attitudes are infectious.

Unfortunately, Ive been too self conscious to ask people to take their photo or the encounter happens so fast I don't have a chance. Or their kindness was towards someone else but I witnessed it. So I'm going to have to reevaluate how I approach this, or grow some balls really fast.

For today I offer you the MTA bus driver. ON duty. With a full bus of passengers.
The bus driver stopped the bus at 20th street and 1st avenue got out and walked a blind man across 20th street to his front door. Leaving a full bus of NYC passengers.


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